I can see that as we move into our more intensive times of travel, that we will need to post more often. There is too much that is happening in any one day to let too many go by with any hope of effective summary.
Washington DC has been wonderful. We're staying with Chrissie's cousin, David Austin (aka, uncle-cousin-brother), and it would be difficult to find a better host.
David is the best, and there's lots of familial love to go around.
We came in Friday night around 6:30 - remarkable in the fact that we had a late flight leaving Bend with a very short turn-around in Portland. We had to get our bags, and re-check-in (wait at counter/check bags, go through security, etc.) and given that we landed when our next flight was supposed to be boarding, we had given up hope that we would make the flight. However, Berta, our very helpful Southwest agent, cared for us (seemingly) well, and scooted us off. We ran (literally and fast) through the Portland airport and took the last - the VERY last four seats on the flight. We were scattered throughout the plane - Matt, of course made a new best friend with the lady he sat with (who let him use her ipod) - We put skinny Andy in the middle seat with the "large" man (sorry, Andy) - and I got to sit next to Mr. Talky (3 beers on the 8:00am flight). The only downside to our trip was that our luggage didn't seem to make it out of Chicago, so we enjoyed our first 2 days of travel in one set of clothes. We did pack an extra tooth brush in the carry on, and from here on, fresh undies will go in as well.
There are so many things to highlight about DC that we'll have to do a list here. As I said, David is the supreme companion and guide - having deep DC roots and experience. I do also have to add that he lives with a dear couple - Bart and Linda Tarman - whose gracious hospitality we enjoyed as well. On the hospitality-thanking front, our first two nights in town we stayed across the street in the office/apartment of Grace Nelson, wife of Senator Bill Nelson of Florida. Funny.
So, the summary:
-Saturday - walked a gazillion miles, seeing the monuments

and an dinner out (Mortons) for the grown-ups (boys get pizza :) ).
-Sunday - an absolutely beautiful day, Mt. Vernon (home to Pres. #1), Annapolis (home to Naval Academy, St John's College - one of David's alma maters
- and of course Chick & Ruth's - more on that in a minute), and church that evening at Church of the Resurrection - a wonderful groups of believers and powerful service.
-Monday - Holocaust museum (powerful...), National Gallery, Capitol, National Archives (think Declaration of Independence), Library of Congress, Arlington National Cemetery (and the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (again, powerful...). A full and fabulous day.
Throughout it all, David took grand care of us (and our boys LOVE their Uncle David). He was especially giving and gracious in that he is in the midst of a very intensive week of organizing around an Israeli-Palestinian gathering he is planning/hosting starting next Sunday (pray for that!).
So... to that one story I mentioned above - Chick & Ruth's. The experience is a good example of the seredipitous fun that comes on such adventures. Chick & Ruth's is a glorious diner/deli in Annapolis - a local feature that has been there since 1965. Son, Ted, now runs the show (and has been working there since it opened, when he was nine) - working the crowd and keeping things rolling. The place is an institution, and was packed out.
It was fabulous (good and greasy) food, with gigantic milkshakes (and my pastrami & swiss omelette was divine). Toward the end of our meal, Ted comes over and starts entertaining the boys with magic tricks (where DID he put that salt?) - hilarious. On our way out, we grabbed Ted and Bridgette, our waitress, for a picture.
A very nice gentlemen offered to take the photo for us. Turns out that he just happens to be a former governor of Maryland (we'll send that picture on later). Very funny and wonderful time, and represents the kind of fun that we have had here.
So, this morning we're off to London, and the beginnings of the overseas time! The grand adventure expands and continues. Since we have a direct flight, we're hoping the bags make it with us this time, but we'll see. We're ready, regardless.

Washington DC has been wonderful. We're staying with Chrissie's cousin, David Austin (aka, uncle-cousin-brother), and it would be difficult to find a better host.
We came in Friday night around 6:30 - remarkable in the fact that we had a late flight leaving Bend with a very short turn-around in Portland. We had to get our bags, and re-check-in (wait at counter/check bags, go through security, etc.) and given that we landed when our next flight was supposed to be boarding, we had given up hope that we would make the flight. However, Berta, our very helpful Southwest agent, cared for us (seemingly) well, and scooted us off. We ran (literally and fast) through the Portland airport and took the last - the VERY last four seats on the flight. We were scattered throughout the plane - Matt, of course made a new best friend with the lady he sat with (who let him use her ipod) - We put skinny Andy in the middle seat with the "large" man (sorry, Andy) - and I got to sit next to Mr. Talky (3 beers on the 8:00am flight). The only downside to our trip was that our luggage didn't seem to make it out of Chicago, so we enjoyed our first 2 days of travel in one set of clothes. We did pack an extra tooth brush in the carry on, and from here on, fresh undies will go in as well.
There are so many things to highlight about DC that we'll have to do a list here. As I said, David is the supreme companion and guide - having deep DC roots and experience. I do also have to add that he lives with a dear couple - Bart and Linda Tarman - whose gracious hospitality we enjoyed as well. On the hospitality-thanking front, our first two nights in town we stayed across the street in the office/apartment of Grace Nelson, wife of Senator Bill Nelson of Florida. Funny.
So, the summary:
-Saturday - walked a gazillion miles, seeing the monuments
-Sunday - an absolutely beautiful day, Mt. Vernon (home to Pres. #1), Annapolis (home to Naval Academy, St John's College - one of David's alma maters
-Monday - Holocaust museum (powerful...), National Gallery, Capitol, National Archives (think Declaration of Independence), Library of Congress, Arlington National Cemetery (and the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (again, powerful...). A full and fabulous day.
Throughout it all, David took grand care of us (and our boys LOVE their Uncle David). He was especially giving and gracious in that he is in the midst of a very intensive week of organizing around an Israeli-Palestinian gathering he is planning/hosting starting next Sunday (pray for that!).
So... to that one story I mentioned above - Chick & Ruth's. The experience is a good example of the seredipitous fun that comes on such adventures. Chick & Ruth's is a glorious diner/deli in Annapolis - a local feature that has been there since 1965. Son, Ted, now runs the show (and has been working there since it opened, when he was nine) - working the crowd and keeping things rolling. The place is an institution, and was packed out.
So, this morning we're off to London, and the beginnings of the overseas time! The grand adventure expands and continues. Since we have a direct flight, we're hoping the bags make it with us this time, but we'll see. We're ready, regardless.
WOW Drape Family! only three months into your adventure and it's hard to keep up! I'm glad to see Andrew respresenting Aki with Pride! Throw your Wings up! I hope London is fantastic and I'm looking forward to reading more and checking out some great pictures! Prayers and Best wishes are with you this next stop on the adventure of a life time!
I am so excited to follow you on your adventures! I also, find that time slips away when traveling and experiencing so many wonderful things! Godspeed, friends! And, of course, the Rubber Chicken!
Oh, I also gave your blog to Christy and Tina. I'm sure they would be excited to know what you all are up to!
WOW!!! WOW!!! WOW!!! So Miss T told me about this AMAZING family adventure! I am TOTALLY going to stalk your journey!! I moved to CA. I live in Santa Rosa which is a bit north of San Francisco. Wine Country :) I'd love to be a part of your CA road trip if you are headed in this direction. I know it's a long time from now and you have a whole world adventure to have before you come back to the US but I thought I'd let you know there is a place for you to stay in the North bay. This is so cool! You rock!
Have a fantastic time!
Christy Volker (Matt's K teacher at Hawthorne)
Hi matt its me evan your trip sound cool. I wish i can be there.have a fun trip and be good.your friend evan
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