Drape Family Travel Index: The Trip in Numbers
(details below)
12 Airlines we flew on
30 Actual flights / legs
42,904 Air miles flown
13 Countries we visited
3 Countries we landed in but didn’t see
23 Modes of transportation we used
7 Languages we learned to say “thank you” in
6 Large bodies of water (oceans, seas) we saw
9,448 Highest elevation of the trip (in feet)
-1,208 Lowest elevation of the trip (in feet)
15.8 Most miles walked in one day
4 Schools the boys attended
33 Museums visited (don't tell the kids!)
12 Currencies used
5 Monkey encounters
2 Broadway-style shows seen
70 Biggest one-day temperature swing (in degrees Fahrenheit)
1.5 Longest church service attended (in hours)
2,584 Oldest site visited (in years)
2 Official visits to a doctor
11 Churches attended
128 Nights spent on the road
4 Nights in a tent
6 Nights on an airplane
2 Nights on a train
116 Nights in a bed
12 New skills learned while traveling (that we’ve thought of so far)
10 Number of times we inflated / deflated our soccer ball
Airlines Flown – 12
United, Thai, El Al, Southwest, Singapore, Hawaiian, ATA, Precision Air, Swiss Air, Nippon (ANA), Kingfisher, South African
Actual Flights/Legs – 30
Redmond to Portland to Chicago to Washington DC to London to Johannesburg to Port Elizabeth to Cape Town to Johannesburg to Dar es Salaam to Arusha to Dar es Salaam to Nairobi to Zurich to Frankfurt to Amman-Tel Aviv to Bangkok to Phnom Penh to Bangkok to Singapore to Delhi-Udaipur to Mumbai to Bangalore to Singapore to Hong Kong to Tokyo to Honolulu to Maui to Honolulu to San Francisco to Portland
Air Miles Flown – 42,904
Redmond to Portland (116) to Chicago (1,736) to Washington DC (611) to London (3,677) to Johannesburg (5,620) to Port Elizabeth (563) to Cape Town (402) to Johannesburg (789) to Dar es Salaam (1,509) to Arusha (238) to Dar (238) to Nairobi (415) to Zurich (3,780) to Frankfurt (177) to Amman (1,880) -Tel Aviv to Bangkok (4,304) to Phnom Penh (329) to Bangkok (329) to Singapore (898) to Delhi (2,583) - Udaipur to Mumbai (387) to Bangalore (530) to Singapore (1,971) to Hong Kong (1,603) to Tokyo (1,265) to Honolulu (3,818) to Maui (100) to Honolulu (100) to San Francisco (2,398) to Portland (550)
Countries We Spent More Than 12 Hour In – 13
USA, England, South Africa, Tanzania, Germany, Jordan, Israel, Palestinian Territories, Thailand, Cambodia, India, Hong Kong, Japan
Countries We Landed in But Didn’t See – 3
Kenya, Switzerland, Singapore
Modes of Transportation Taken– 23
Taxi, Tuk-Tuk, Moto, Autorickshaw, Bicycle rickshaw, Airplane, Open-top Bus, Jeep, Minibus, Double-decker Bus, Tour Bus, Ferry, Train, Subway/Metro, Electric Bikes, Bikes, Gondola, Tram, Longboat, Foot, Car, Van, Trolley
Languages We Can Say “Thank You” In – 7
English (Cheers!), Afrikaans (dankie), Swahili (asante), Maasai (ashe), German (danke), Thai (kawp kun ka), Khmer (awkun)
Bodies of Water (Seas and Oceans) Encountered – 6
Atlantic Ocean (USA, South Africa), Pacific Ocean (Hawaii), Indian Ocean (South Africa, Tanzania, India), Mediterranean Sea (Tel Aviv, Israel), South China Sea (Hong Kong, Cambodia), Sea of Galilee (Israel).
Plus some big rivers… Thames (Londond, England), Mekong (Phnom Penh, Cambodia), Tonle Sap (Phnom Penh, Cambodia), Chao Phraya (Bangkok, Thailand)
Highest Elevation – 9448 feet on our second day of the trek (our 26km day), in between Olmati and Empakai Craters.
Lowest Elevation – -1208 feet at the Allenby Bridge crossing of the Jordan river between Jordan and Israel.
Most Miles Covered By Foot in One Day – 15.8 on our first day of the trek.
Schools The Boys Attended – 4
Sapphire Road Primary (Port Elizabeth, South Africa)
Charles Duna Primary (Port Elizabeth)
Canadian International (Bangalore, India)
Mastery International (Bangalore)
Museums Visited – 33
Air and Space – DC, Mt. Vernon, National Gallery – DC, Holocaust Museum – DC, Arlington National Cemetery, National Gallery – London, Tower of London, British Museum – London, Trinity College – Cambridge, British Library – London, Red Location Museum – Port Elizabeth, District Six Museum – Cape Town, Robben Island – Cape Town, Mandela’s House – Soweto, Hector Petersen – Soweto, Apartheid Museum – Johannesburg, Tanzania National Museum – Dar es Salaam, Zanzibar Slave Market, The Citadel – Jordan, Garden Tomb – Jerusalem, Wat Pho – Bangkok, Ancient City – Bangkok, Wat Phnom – Phnom Penh, Cheung Ek (Killing Fields) – Outside Phnom Penh, Tuol Sleung – Phnom Penh, National Museum – Phnom Penh, Royal Palace – Phnom Penh, Angkor Wat – Siem Reap, Ghandi Memorial – Delhi, National Museum – Delhi, Bundi Palace, Udaipur Old Palace, Pearl Harbor - Hawaii
Currencies Used – 12
US $, Pounds – England, Rand – South Africa, Tanzanian Schilling, Euro – Germany, Dinar – Jordan (“JD’s”), Shekel – Israel / Palestinian Territories, Baht – Thailand, Riel – Cambodia, Rupee – India, Hong Kong $, Yen – Japan
Monkey Encounters – 5
Monkeyland – Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Pet at Paradise – Zanzibar
Jozani Forest (Red Colobus) – Zanzibar
Bundi Palace (Rhesus Macaque) – Rajasthan, India
Bannerghatta Zoo – Bangalore, India
Shows Seen – 2
Mary Poppins – London, The Lion King – Johannesburg
Biggest Temperature Swing in Shortest Time – 70-degree drop: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (95 degrees) directly to Frankfurt, Germany (20 degrees).
Longest Church Service Attended – 4.5 hours, Uniting Presbyterian Church, Alexandra, South Africa
Oldest Place Visited – 516 BC
Western (Wailing) Wall, Jerusalem.
Newest Place Visited –
Terminal 5 @ Heathrow (just now opened…)
Trips to the Doctor (official) – 2
Andy in Dar es Salaam (nasty wind/sunburn/rash on face)
All – Dentist in Bangalore
Churches Attended – 11
Church of the Resurrection – Washington DC
King’s College Chapel – Cambridge, England
St. Paul’s Catholic Church – Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Omega Revival Ministries – Port Elizabeth
Mt. Hope Worship Center – Mitchell’s Plain, Capetown
Uniting Presbyterian Church – Alexandra, Johannesburg
Nazareth Baptist Church – Nazareth, Israel
Maryknoll Mass at World Vision – Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Banaswadi Bible Church – Bangalore, India
City Harvest Assemblies of God – Bangalore, India
Island Evangelical Community Church – Hong Kong
Nights Slept in a… - 128
Tent (4)
Airplane (6)
Beds and Floors (116)
Train (2)
Skills Gained – 12
Yo-Yo (Capetown), Card Shuffling, Blowing Bubbles with gum, Going Potty Anywhere, Thank You and Hello in multiple languages, Card Games (crazy 8s - students at Sapphire Road, rummy - Katie T.), Cricket (Udaipur), Soccer Juggling (everywhere! see below), Shuttlecocking (Cambodia), Asking for bill anywhere, Passing Time, Being Resourceful
Number of Times the Soccer Ball was Inflated/deflated – 10
London, Port Elizabeth Capetown, Johannesburg, Dar Es Salaam, Jerusalem, Sihanoukeville, Bundi, Udaipur, Bangalore
The boys, the chicken and the world!

Keep "chickin" in regularly to keep up with the chicken's adventures
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Drape Family Travel Awards (some bests, worsts and things in between… in no particular order)
Best Chocolate – Swiss Air little chocolate bars (so good even the diabetic joined in the eating).
Best Overall Meal – Aimbrei restaurant: outside, on the water at night with views to the Lake Palace in Udaipur, India with Steffen and Grace.
Most Copious Public Urination (other than our own) – Delhi, India (especially in Old Delhi) - no picture for this, thankfully.
Best Burger – Amman, Jordan Marriott (a taste of home at the sports bar – while watching soccer – but with lots of smoke).
Best Pizza – Phnom Penh Mall, Cambodia. (Special thanks to Aunt Kathy Morefield!)
Worst Pizza – Bali Restaurant, Phnom Penh, Cambodia (and yes, the boys should know better than to order pizza in Cambodia at a Balinese restaurant).
Best Airplane Food – Singapore Air (mmm! And they even served the boys before all the other adults).
Worst Airplane Food – United Airlines, domestic (pay $5 for a little box of packaged processed foods?) .
Best Airport – Singapore (beautiful, lots of real plants – with a nice little old man caring for them all; free high-speed internet).
Worst Airport – Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (nice folks, but a time-consuming and highly sweaty place).
Best Things Packed – Dental floss and duct tape for repairs, baby wipes for bathing on the trek, and the soccer ball/pump for general recreation along the way.
Most Unnecessary Things Packed – Dad’s extra tube of shaving cream (he is STILL working his way through the first).
Things We (Mom) Wish We Had Packed – Fleece hat.
Most Significant Injury – Andy’s dog bites
(followed closely by Andy’s chapped and blistered face).
Most Entertaining Injury – Dad’s stick to the head from Steffen.
Most Disgusting Injury – Mom’s sand-filled toe blisters (followed closely by Andy’s chapped and blistered face).
Top Three Guest Houses/Hotels –
1. Haveli on the Lake,
Udaipur, India (even with the dog bite).
2. Ms. Van Rooyen’s, Port Elizabeth, South Africa.JPG)
3. The house in London.JPG)
4. Matt wants a number 4 with Fauzi Azar Guest House, Nazareth.JPG)
Best Coffee – The Plunge pot at the Schilder’s in Mitchell’s Plain, South Africa
Worst Coffee – The Goldiana Hotel, Phnom Penh, Cambodia (Chris drank it for 7 days!, Chrissie drank tea)
Best Bacon – Home cooked bacon
at Ms. Katie’s in Bangkok.
Worst Bacon – Once again, The Goldiana Hotel, Phnom Penh (it was hairy).
Best Tea – Two choices: Adnan’s,
our new friend made in Bethlehem Christmas Eve, when he invited us into his shop and served us delicious mint tea; and Babu’s, our host in Udaipur who served us up some killer chai at his shop in town. .JPG)
Best Pets Visited – Tiger and Monkey
(Katie Thorleifson’s cats in Bangkok), followed closely by Oreo
(the Hanstad’s dog in Bangalore).
Worst Pet Visited – Alfy (Andy’s biter).
Funniest Small World Moment – Biking along the Sea of Galilee, being passed by a biker with an REI pack like ours. Dad yells, “What part of Seattle are you from?” The response, “Kent!”
Best Night’s Sleep – Amman, Jordan Marriott (love those down comforters).
Worst Night’s Sleep – First night at Paradise Beach Bungalows, Zanzibar
(hot, humid, mosquitoes, and only a wimpy fan…)
Most Expensive Lodging – Oliver Plaza Hotel in London our very first night - $255
Least Expensive Lodging – Dad’s $5/night hotel in Ratanakiri, Cambodia (where he could have stayed for 51 nights for the cost of our London place).
Best Pool – Golden Palms, Bangalore, India.
Most Refreshing Pool – The Goldiana Hotel, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Worst Pool – Amman, Jordan Marriott (Mom says, how can you have a “bad” swimming pool?).
Smelliest Travel Companion – That white BO-ridden South African 14 year-old, on the flight to Tanzania.
Most Satisfying Bathing Experience –
The waterfalls at the end of our trek.
Best Wildlife Moment – Cheetahs stalking the warthogs;
Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania.
Worst Wildlife Moment – Monkey attack
at the fort in Bundi, India (from Chrissie's journal: "Steffen screamed, Mom cussed, Matt cried").
Best Overall Meal – Aimbrei restaurant: outside, on the water at night with views to the Lake Palace in Udaipur, India with Steffen and Grace.
Most Copious Public Urination (other than our own) – Delhi, India (especially in Old Delhi) - no picture for this, thankfully.
Best Burger – Amman, Jordan Marriott (a taste of home at the sports bar – while watching soccer – but with lots of smoke).
Best Pizza – Phnom Penh Mall, Cambodia. (Special thanks to Aunt Kathy Morefield!)
Worst Pizza – Bali Restaurant, Phnom Penh, Cambodia (and yes, the boys should know better than to order pizza in Cambodia at a Balinese restaurant).
Best Airplane Food – Singapore Air (mmm! And they even served the boys before all the other adults).
Worst Airplane Food – United Airlines, domestic (pay $5 for a little box of packaged processed foods?) .
Best Airport – Singapore (beautiful, lots of real plants – with a nice little old man caring for them all; free high-speed internet).
Worst Airport – Dar es Salaam, Tanzania (nice folks, but a time-consuming and highly sweaty place).
Best Things Packed – Dental floss and duct tape for repairs, baby wipes for bathing on the trek, and the soccer ball/pump for general recreation along the way.
Most Unnecessary Things Packed – Dad’s extra tube of shaving cream (he is STILL working his way through the first).
Things We (Mom) Wish We Had Packed – Fleece hat.
Most Significant Injury – Andy’s dog bites
Most Entertaining Injury – Dad’s stick to the head from Steffen.
Most Disgusting Injury – Mom’s sand-filled toe blisters (followed closely by Andy’s chapped and blistered face).
Top Three Guest Houses/Hotels –
1. Haveli on the Lake,
2. Ms. Van Rooyen’s, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
3. The house in London
4. Matt wants a number 4 with Fauzi Azar Guest House, Nazareth
Best Coffee – The Plunge pot at the Schilder’s in Mitchell’s Plain, South Africa
Worst Coffee – The Goldiana Hotel, Phnom Penh, Cambodia (Chris drank it for 7 days!, Chrissie drank tea)
Best Bacon – Home cooked bacon
Worst Bacon – Once again, The Goldiana Hotel, Phnom Penh (it was hairy).
Best Tea – Two choices: Adnan’s,
Best Pets Visited – Tiger and Monkey
Worst Pet Visited – Alfy (Andy’s biter).
Funniest Small World Moment – Biking along the Sea of Galilee, being passed by a biker with an REI pack like ours. Dad yells, “What part of Seattle are you from?” The response, “Kent!”
Best Night’s Sleep – Amman, Jordan Marriott (love those down comforters).
Worst Night’s Sleep – First night at Paradise Beach Bungalows, Zanzibar
Most Expensive Lodging – Oliver Plaza Hotel in London our very first night - $255
Least Expensive Lodging – Dad’s $5/night hotel in Ratanakiri, Cambodia (where he could have stayed for 51 nights for the cost of our London place).
Best Pool – Golden Palms, Bangalore, India.
Most Refreshing Pool – The Goldiana Hotel, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Worst Pool – Amman, Jordan Marriott (Mom says, how can you have a “bad” swimming pool?).
Smelliest Travel Companion – That white BO-ridden South African 14 year-old, on the flight to Tanzania.
Most Satisfying Bathing Experience –
Best Wildlife Moment – Cheetahs stalking the warthogs;
Worst Wildlife Moment – Monkey attack
Best Phrase Learned – “Izit” – South Africa (English); meaning anything from literally, “is it?” to “really?!” to “you’ve got to be kidding”….
Worst Phrase – “Don’t worry, Matt…” uttered by the mother on too many treacherous occasions.
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